martes, 5 de abril de 2011


The Demosophy is launching
the “World Day without Chemtrails”

Throughout the year there are "world days": that of women, children, day against cancer, against hunger, etc.. ("Days" whose usefulness is highly questionable).
Faced with these global days celebrated by politicians, demosophy offers a "World day without chemtrails".

A crowd of children born at the beginning of this century, have never seen the true color of the sky, but only the white mist left by the gassing of the population (chemtrails). Most also have never seen a real night sky.

In the name of the right of all children of the earth to know their universe, Demosophy proposes a "Day without Chemtrails".

Politicians only accept to satisfy their subjects when they express their desire to mass; hence the chosen date, June 3, all those who wish to express this desire for their children, are invited that day to come out the street equipped with a protective mask (surgical type mask found in all pharmacies), On the other hand, if there are still some people in complete ignorance of the gassing, this will contribute to a general awareness.

Friday, June 3:

World Day without chemtrails,

do not go out without a mask!

Note: In Japan, France and Argentina, some people have forwarded this message to their children who have passed on by their friends at all colleges. Young people are very good at conducting such action, and they are primarily concerned.

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